Cronin Financial Services, LLC.

All Your Mortgage Needs

Purchase and Refinance

Dan Cronin

Cell (513)378-1138

Cronin Financial Services, LLC.
6020 Cheviot Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

 mb.803562      nmls 211354    my nmls 212748     lo 3055


All Your Mortgage needs

At Cronin we can do many types of loans, we can take a look at your situation and put you in the right loan, not the one that makes the most money, but the right loan.

We have Conforming loans where we use many local lenders like Union Savings, or General Electric Credit Union.   We have FHA loans where we use MB Financial or Stearns two of the best and biggest in the nation. 

We can do low downpayment loans and at the same time with limited overhead we can get you great deals that you will have a tough time beating .   Low rates AND low costs is what we strive for.   We want the client to finish the process with us and smile and feel good about the mortgage they just completed.


Dan attends EVERY closing.  He will not let you sit at the closing table without representation, It is the biggest purchase you will make you deserve your loan officer to be at the closing, you are not just some number like almost every bank loan officer.

Speaking of banks, their loan officers are not even licensed , Dan holds a license , passed several tests, and is well respected in this industry for his knowledge and being extremely thorough .  

Give Cronin a chance you wont regret it .


This is not a commitment to lend.  Not all borrowers will qualify; contact us for more information on fees and terms.